Come Take Part
We have positions that suit many skills and time-commitments. Join an awesome team of DFLers and make a difference!
Volunteers: Volunteers assist with events and campaigning for things like door-knocks, phone-banks, event/fundraiser execution, mailings, or other things as needed as they are able. This work is essential in supporting and raising awareness for our unit and our DFL candidates.
Directors of Outreach (5): The Directors will be responsible for activities relating to awareness of SD 44 DFL, the unit’s events, and the DFL endorsed candidates. The Directors will aid in maintaining a website for SD 44 DFL. They will also publish information about activities on SD44 social platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The Directors will also be responsible for updating all the platforms mentioned and working with other directors to get out information about events, outreach, and fundraising.
Directors of Fundraising (4): The fundraising director will help SD 44 by organizing our annual donut booth event at the fair, providing opportunities to collect funds during Caucus, the Convention and our annual picnic or at any other appropriate time.
Directors of Event Planning (2): Includes organizing the annual picnic, working with Convention and Caucus organizers, working with the Outreach Officer to create opportunities for outreach and being creative.
State Central Committee Alternates (6): The State Central Committee members elect State Party officers. The State Central Committee is the governing body between conventions. Executive officers are delegates to the State Central Committee.
Precinct Chair & Vice Chair (27): The Precinct Chair and Vice Chair for each precinct within SD 44 are responsible for representing and helping organize DFLers in their precinct for things like general DFL updates, events, door-knocking, etc. See vacancies in attachment 4 (IV.) below
4th Congressional District Executive Committee Member (4): The CD4 Exec Committee is the governing body of the CD4 DFL unit between meetings of the CD4 Central Committee meetings. The primary responsibilities include helping represent SD 44 DFL and giving input into agendas, events, or other business that pertains to the CD4 DFL unit.
4th Congressional District Central Committee Delegates (9): Primary responsibility of CD4 delegates is to coordinate the Organizing Units contained within its boundaries in supporting the campaign efforts of a DFL Party-endorsed candidate for and the U.S. House of Representatives.
4th Congressional District Central Committee Alternates (14): Able to participate in CD4 meetings if SD 44 DFL Delegates (above) are not able to attend. Primary responsibility of CD4 alternates is to coordinate the Organizing Units, mainly SD 44 DFL, contained within its boundaries in supporting the campaign efforts of a DFL Party-endorsed candidate for and the U.S. House of Representatives.